{“in_progress”:[{“id”:”vx8htzBW”,”title”:”Download the social media graphic”,”description”:”<ul><li><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Feel free to use either of these images to help you promote your services on social media</span><ul><li><a href=&quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/hubfs/Social%20Media%20Content/clear%20picture%20advisory.png&quote; target=&quote;_blank&quote; rel=&quote;noopener&quote;>Image 1</a></li><li><a href=&quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/hubfs/Social%20Media%20Content/need%20help%20growing%20your%20business.png&quote; target=&quote;_blank&quote; rel=&quote;noopener&quote;>Image 2</a></li></ul></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”sJjLtj03″,”title”:”Post the graphic to Facebook and LinkedIn”,”description”:”<ul><li style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote; aria-level=&quote;1&quote;><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Go to your Facebook and LinkedIn pages and let your followers know about your advisory services. </span></li><li style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote; aria-level=&quote;1&quote;><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Feel free to use an image from the previous task and the following blurb if you like</span><ul><li style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote; aria-level=&quote;2&quote;><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><strong>Do you find it hard to figure out what’s really going on in your business?</strong> Have you ever looked at your Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet and wondered what the numbers all mean? We can help.</span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><br /></span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>If you’re like most business owners, you may get caught up in the day-to-day “busy work” of your business. You only have a limited number of hours and so many plates to spin, it’s easy to ignore the financial side of your business.</span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><br /></span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Our Business Advisory services are designed for dedicated, enthusiastic and aspirational business owners who truly want to grow their business, but need some support to get there.</span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><br /></span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Ready to grow your business? Get in touch with us to find out about our Business Growth Advisory services.</span></li></ul></li><li style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote; aria-level=&quote;1&quote;><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>If you have a page on your website that references your advisory services you could link to that. Alternatively, you could link to your contact page or appointment booking page.</span></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”S6A9pCNQ”,”title”:”Edit mail template”,”description”:”<ul><li>In the backend of your site, go to Mail Templates and find the template called <em>Want to grow your business?</em></li><li>Edit this template to add your firm’s details into the <strong>PHONE NUMBER</strong> and <strong>EMAIL ADDRESS</strong> sections.</li><li>You may also like to hyperlink words like &quote;Get in touch with us&quote; and link these to your contact page.</li><li>Options: you could also add a link to your website if you have a page detailing your advisory services offerings.</li><li>Edit the text to suit you and click the blue Update button on the right-hand side.</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”TfSmBvYb”,”title”:”Send email blast”,”description”:”<ul><li>In the backend of your site go to Email Marketing</li><li>Click Add New and Create and Email Blast. </li><li>Select your branded template.</li><li>Inside the email editor, click and drag the Posts box from the right-hand side into the body of the email. </li><li>Use the drop-down arrows on the right-hand side to change Posts to Mail Templates.</li><li>Use the checkbox to select the <em>Want to grow your business?</em> Mail Template.</li><li>Click Display Options (hyperlinked text on right-hand side)</li><li>Change the first option from Excerpt to Full Post.<ul><li>If you did this then remove the ‘Read more’ text from the Read more text section</li></ul></li><li>Click the blue Insert Selected button.</li><li>Delete the default <em>Let’s get started</em> text if applicable.</li><li><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Add a subject line in the top left (eg. Need help growing your business?)</span></li><li>Make any further edits and then click the Next button.</li><li>Select the lists you’re sending to and day/time for email scheduling.</li><li>Hit send when you’re ready. Well done!</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”kkLVNTfA”,”title”:”Add details to monthly newsletter”,”description”:”<ul><li>In the backend of your site go to Email Marketing and click the Newsletters tab.</li><li>Click into your monthly newsletter<ul><li>It’s likely called Latest News from {Firm Name}</li></ul></li><li><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Drag and drop the Text box from the right-hand side into the body of the email. </span>Use the following blurb if you like<ul><li><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><strong>Do you find it hard to figure out what’s really going on in your business?</strong> Have you ever looked at your Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet and wondered what the numbers all mean? We can help.</span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><br /></span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>If you’re like most business owners, you may get caught up in the day-to-day “busy work” of your business. You only have a limited number of hours and so many plates to spin, it’s easy to ignore the financial side of your business.</span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><br /></span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Our Business Advisory services are designed for dedicated, enthusiastic and aspirational business owners who truly want to grow their business, but need some support to get there.</span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;><br /></span><span style=&quote;font-weight: 400;&quote;>Ready to grow your business? Get in touch with us to find out about our Business Growth Advisory services.</span></li></ul></li><li>Optional: Add an image from the previous task by dragging and dropping the Image box from the right-hand side.</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”}],”completed”:[]}