| 03/08/2021

{“in_progress”:[{“id”:”niOIchTQ”,”title”:”Get up to speed with Xero’s event resources”,”description”:”<ul><li>Xero have put together resources to help you run a successful virtual or face-to-face event. <a href=&amp;quote;https://www.xero.com/au/partner-programs/partners/toolkit/marketing/events/&amp;quote;>Access them here.</a></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:null},{“id”:”vmMMfMOn”,”title”:”Download the Xero presentation slides”,”description”:”<ul><li>Download the Xero presentation slide in either Powerpoint or Keynote format <a href=&amp;quote;https://www.xero.com/au/partner-programs/partners/toolkit/marketing/events/&amp;quote;>here</a>.</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”c2C3PP1X”,”title”:”Review the Mail Template – Your invitation to learn about Xero”,”description”:”<ul><li>Go to Mail Templates to locate the &amp;quote;Your invitation to learn about Xero&amp;quote; email template. </li><li>Review the text and adjust it to suit your event details including the time, date, location, your contact details and sign off.</li><li>Remember to click Update when you’ve made your changes.</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”2UGGlRcp”,”title”:”Review automated emails and follow ups”,”description”:”<ul><li>Go to Email Marketing – Automated Emails and review the sequence. </li><li>Add your event and contact details to each email and save.</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”1IpscwJs”,”title”:”Post a blog promoting the event”,”description”:”<ul><li>Go to the Posts section of your site and locate the blog titled &amp;quote;You’re invited to our free Xero event&amp;quote;</li><li>Click into the blog and edit it to add your event details, including time, date and location</li><li>Add a featured image</li><li>Publish the blog</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”fuBaGMcG”,”title”:”Post the image to Facebook with a link to the landing page”,”description”:”<ul><li>Go to your Facebook business page and let your followers know about your upcoming event. </li><li>Feel free to use an image from the previous task and the following blurb if you like<ul><li><p><strong>Your invitation to learn about Xero<br /></strong>What is the Cloud and how does it work? Learn how Xero can help your business.<br />You’re invited to a free Xero-themed event to take you through all there is to know about Xero.</p><p>Event details are as follows:<br /><strong>[insert details: time, date and location]</strong><br />This complimentary event will cover:<br />• How to get paid faster and improve visibility to manage your cashflow on the go<br />• Quick and pain free bank reconciliations<br />• Xero product demonstrations and walk-throughs<strong><br /></strong><br />To register, please RSVP online <span style=&amp;quote;text-decoration: underline;&amp;quote;>using this form</span> [ADD LINK TO LANDING PAGE].<br />Places are limited, so a prompt response will ensure you don’t miss out.<br />We hope you can attend.</p></li></ul></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:null},{“id”:”9HOjEv6w”,”title”:”Post the image to LinkedIn with a link to the landing page”,”description”:”<ul><li>Go to LinkedIn and let your connections know about your upcoming event. </li><li>Feel free to use an image from the previous task and the following blurb if you like<ul><li><p><strong>Your invitation to learn about Xero<br /></strong>What is the Cloud and how does it work? Learn how Xero can help your business.<br />You’re invited to a free Xero-themed event to take you through all there is to know about Xero.</p><p>Event details are as follows:<br /><strong>[insert details: time, date and location]</strong><br />This complimentary event will cover:<br />• How to get paid faster and improve visibility to manage your cashflow on the go<br />• Quick and pain free bank reconciliations<br />• Xero product demonstrations and walk-throughs<strong><br /></strong><br />To register, please RSVP online <span style=&amp;quote;text-decoration: underline;&amp;quote;>using this form</span> [ADD LINK TO LANDING PAGE].<br />Places are limited, so a prompt response will ensure you don’t miss out.<br />We hope you can attend.</p></li></ul></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:null},{“id”:”N8X75VyX”,”title”:”Download an image for social media “,”description”:”<ul><li>Download some images to help you promote the event on social media<a href=&amp;quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/hubfs/Canva%20images/XERO%20EVENT.png&amp;quote;><img class=&amp;quote;alignnone&amp;quote; src=&amp;quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/hubfs/Canva%20images/XERO%20EVENT.png&amp;quote; alt=&amp;quote;&amp;quote; width=&amp;quote;1920&amp;quote; height=&amp;quote;1080&amp;quote; /></a></li><li><a href=&amp;quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/hubfs/Canva%20images/XERO%20EVENT.png&amp;quote;>Download here</a></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”HoIdpwUO”,”title”:”Run the event using Xero’s scripts”,”description”:”<ul><li>Xero have put together a script to help you explain Xero and its benefits to your clients.</li><li><a href=&amp;quote;https://www.xero.com/content/dam/xero/Intro-to-Xero-script.pdf&amp;quote; target=&amp;quote;_blank&amp;quote; rel=&amp;quote;noopener&amp;quote;>Download the script here.</a></li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”BHz5cf16″,”title”:”Send the Email Blast to your invite list”,”description”:”<ul><li>Go to Email Marketing in the backend of your site</li><li>Click Add New and select the Create button underneath Email Blasts.</li><li>Select your branded template.</li><li>Inside the email editor, click and drag the Posts box from the right-hand side into the body of the email. </li><li>Use the drop-down arrows on the right-hand side to change Posts to Mail Templates.</li><li>Use the checkbox to select the <em><span style=&amp;quote;font-weight: 400;&amp;quote;>Your invitation to learn about Xero</span></em> Mail Template.</li><li>Click Display Options (hyperlinked text on right-hand side)</li><li>Change the first option from Excerpt to Full Post.<ul><li>If you did this then remove the ‘Read more’ text from the Read more text section</li></ul></li><li>Click the blue Insert Selected button.</li><li>Delete the default <em>Let’s get started</em> text if applicable.</li><li><span style=&amp;quote;font-weight: 400;&amp;quote;>Add a subject line in the top left (eg. Your invitation to learn about Xero)</span></li><li>Make any further edits and then click the Next button.</li><li>Select the lists you’re sending to and day/time for email scheduling.</li><li>Hit send when you’re ready. Well done!</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Normal”},{“id”:”iRLzLTSl”,”title”:”Review the Xero event landing page”,”description”:”<ul><li>In the backend of your site, go to Landing Pages. </li><li>Click into the Landing Page titled Free Xero Event</li><li>Review the page and add in the details relevant to your event including time, date and location</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:null}],”completed”:[]}