| 26/05/2022
Goods that are exported from New Zealand can be zero-rated, with GST being able to be claimed on purchases or expenses incurred in providing those exports.
Recent changes to the GST rules which impact the export of goods include:
- where goods are imported or exported, the domestic (New Zealand) transport portion of the goods can also be zero-rated
- goods provided ‘free on board’ to both resident and non-resident can be zero-rated, provided the goods are entered for export by the supplier, and the recipient physically exports the goods from New Zealand (previously this only applied to supplies of such goods to non-residents)
While not affecting New Zealand farmers directly, non-residents can now claim import GST (NZ GST levied at the border) provided the imported goods are sold to GST registered persons in New Zealand. This will allow for more efficient processing of GST costs on imports where this applies.
If you have employees signed up to KiwiSaver, let them know they can now request changes to their rate through their myIR account or by contacting their KiwiSaver scheme provider.