| 20/07/2021

{“in_progress”:[{“id”:”W81wyVTt”,”title”:”Set up automations”,”description”:”<ul><li>Social Media – Connect your social media accounts to your website <a href=&amp;quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/social-media-connection&amp;quote;>via jetpack</a> so that your blog posts automatically push to your social media channels</li><li>Email Marketing – Activate your email newsletter so that your blog content automatically pulls in to your newsletter by navigating to ‘Email Marketing’ &gt; ‘Newsletters’ &gt; Ensuring the toggle bar next to your monthly newsletter is set to ‘Active'</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”Py23MnS9″,”title”:”Plan your blog content”,”description”:”<p>If you are on a PRO + package, you will receive a library of relevant blog content in the ‘Posts’ section of your website. The blogs you choose to publish will act as the ‘engine of automation’ and will fuel your social media and email marketing activity. We encourage you to sit down at the end of each month and plan your content for the following month. Think about how often you want to post, when you want to post, schedule the content and ‘set and forget’.</p>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”kk8pAsbL”,”title”:”Promote your new website”,”description”:”<ul><li>Email your existing database to let them know you have a new website (use our mail template ‘Our new website is live!’)</li><li>Post about it in a blog. You could copy and paste the mail template ‘Our new website is live’ in to a blog post</li><li>Post about it on Social Media. If your social media accounts are connected, then your blog automation will do this for you.</li><li>Add your new website URL to your email signature </li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”NKXVi8wE”,”title”:”Get your team on board”,”description”:”<ul><li>Add your new website URL to your team email signatures</li><li>Get your team on board with sharing your new website on their personal Linked in pages</li><li>Designate a user who will manage website updates</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”fxQQ8EJu”,”title”:”Email Marketing”,”description”:”<ul><li><a href=&amp;quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/importing-subscribers&amp;quote;>Import your existing client database</a> to ‘Subscribers’ under Email Marketing</li><li>You can then segment your subscribers in to specific <a href=&amp;quote;https://support.bizinkonline.com/step-1-create-a-list&amp;quote;>’Lists’ </a>which you can use for future marketing campaigns</li></ul>”,”date”:””,”priority”:”Low”},{“id”:”37TrJfMi”,”title”:”Take a look at our bolt-on Marketing Packages”,”description”:”<p>Short on time? Sign up for a <a href=&amp;quote;https://f.hubspotusercontent20.net/hubfs/5917474/Brochures/Bizink%20Marketing%20Packages%202021.pdf&amp;quote;>Bizink Marketing package</a> to remove the burden of marketing for you and your team.</p>”,”date”:””,”priority”:null}],”completed”:[]}